Earn Big With Amazon Bounty Programs

If you are looking to promote some sure shot programs to earn some money online, Amazon bounty programs could well be the right choice to promote! There are several bounty programs on Amazon that you should consider promoting. To know the whole process and all the programs inside, you should read this article in full.

The best part is, anyone can do it, all you need is the affiliate account with Amazon to start promoting. There thousands of Affiliate Marketers who are making passive to income with Amazon bounties. So, you may want to try it. If you are wondering how to get an affiliate account with Amazon, don’t worry, just go through this article and follow the step by step process.

Earn Gig With Amazon Bounty Program

What is Amazon Bounty Program?

In general, a bounty program is the reward you get for bringing business to a website, company or an organization etc. There are so many websites on the internet that offer such rewards.  Amazon also has some bounty programs, in my opinion, they are the best of all at the moment.

If you ask me about the top converting bounty programs on the internet, I will recommend Amazon bounty programs for sure. All you need is the focus and right amount of efforts and you will see the money rolling in.

Now that you have learned about bounty programs, its time you should know how to apply for amazon’s bounty programs.

How to apply for Amazon Bounty Programs?

To be able to promote Bounty programs for a reward, you need to go through a very simple process as described below:

  • Apply for an affiliate account on Amazon.com
  • Once you have created the account successfully, you automatically become eligible to promote all the available bounty programs
  • Each bounty program has a unique link, make sure you pick the right one to promote

Till now, you have learned about bounty programs and how to apply for them. Next topic is about all the current bounty programs being offered on Amazon.comlets dive into that right now!

List of all the amazon bounty programs

Following is the list of all the amazon bounty programs along with the rewards. Please know, these bounty programs  and the rewards may end anytime. In this list, I have included the programs that are live at the moment:

  • Create Amazon Business Account – View here – If you bring sign ups for amazon business accounts under this program, you become eligible for a reward of $15 for each sign up!
  • Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks – View here Bounty $5 for 30-Day Free Trials and $10 for Direct Gold Membership Sign Ups
  • Amazon Fresh Free Trial – View here – $5 bounty for every free trial you drive to Amazon Fresh
  • Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial – View here You get $3 each for as many 30 day trials you bring to Amazon Prime
  • Create an Amazon Wedding Registry – View here You earn $3 bounty when a visitor through your link creates a registry on Amazon
  • Join Amazon Family 30-Day Free Trial –View here  Bounty $3 for 30-day Free Trials
  • Prime Student 6-month Trial – View here – Earn $3 bounty for every qualifying trial signup
  • Join Amazon Prime Music – View here –  $3 for visitors you get to sign up for Amazon Prime Music 30-day Free Trials
  • Shop Amazon – Create an Amazon Baby Registry –  View here You earn$3 when a visitor creates a registry
  •  Amazon FreeTime Unlimited Free Trial – View here – $3 bounty for every free trial
  • Try Amazon Music Unlimited Free Trial – View here – $3 bounty for every qualifying free trial sign up

Consider promoting the above bounty programs this year and start earn some great rewards!

Note: The bounty programs above have expiration date, you may not find them inside your account on Amazon when you signup.


Amazon bounty program is a great opportunity for people who are looking to earn money online. Just focus on 2-3 programs from the above list initially, promote them rigorously, the results will come! Once you become a pro, you may go ahead with all the bounty programs Amazon offers and start making it big!

I wish you all the best for this new endeavor! If you have any questions in regards to this post, please feel free to comment down below. I will be responding to your comments the quickest I can!

Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube for more updates!

P.S: If you know someone who should see this post, don’t hesitate to send them the link. You may be doing a great favor to them 🙂

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