Do You Use Push Notification Tools?

Hey everyone, in present fast paced world, if you do not use push notifications then you are missing on tons of traffic to your website. Users these days are spending more time on the internet than usual. As a result, the same user who was once loyal to your website now has tons of other options to go to.

Therefore, it is very important to keep reminding your readers about existence of your content. And, this can be acheived, by incoroprating Push Notifications on your website.

Best Push Notification Tools

Push notification tools have been available for a while now, but their true importance has now been realised by the webmasters. You just can’t rely on search engines to bring traffic to your website. You have to explore the other means. Yes, there is social media, email marketing, but lets be honest, they hardly end up on your website.

However, when it comes to push notifications, you get people to visit your website by either auto publishing or manual push notifications. Thats why Push Notification tools have become essential for businesses to engage with their users, drive traffic, and increase conversions.

The Push notifications allow companies to reach users directly on their devices, delivering timely and relevant information. With so many services available on the internet it is sometimes difficult to pick the right tools. Therefore to help you make an informed decision, we have compiled a list of the top five push notification tools available in the market today.

Best Tools for Push Notifications

The following are some of the best Push Notification Tools that you can use. Some of these tools are free to use with Notifications cap and some of the are paid and give you lifetime access and unlimited licenses. Each of these tools offers unique features and capabilities that can enhance your user engagement strategies. Choose wisely and according to your website traffis size.


OneSignal is a powerful and widely used push notification tool that caters to businesses of all sizes. It offers an easy-to-use dashboard and supports multiple platforms, including web, mobile apps (iOS and Android), and email.

OneSignal provides advanced targeting options, allowing you to segment your user base and send personalized notifications based on user behavior, location, or other attributes. With its rich analytics and A/B testing capabilities, you can optimize your push notification campaigns for maximum impact.

pricing of One Signal

If you have any questions about OneSignal, please feel free to ask.

Pusher Beams:

Pusher zx iOS, Android, and web applications.

Pusher Beams offers powerful features such as customizable notifications, real-time analytics, and in-app messaging. It also provides user segmentation capabilities, enabling you to target specific groups with personalized messages.

With its well-documented API and straightforward implementation process, Pusher Beams is an excellent choice for developers looking to streamline their push notification workflows.

Pusher Beams Pricing


Airship (formerly Urban Airship) is a comprehensive push notification tool that empowers businesses to deliver personalized, automated, and contextual messages. It supports all major platforms, including mobile apps, websites, SMS, and email.

Airship’s key features include audience segmentation, automation workflows, A/B testing, and predictive analytics. It also offers advanced features like geolocation targeting and in-app messaging to engage users at the right time and place.

Airship’s powerful automation capabilities make it a preferred choice for businesses aiming to provide relevant and timely notifications. This perhaps is the most costly starting at $25k/year.


Pushwoosh is a versatile push notification tool that enables businesses to engage with their users across multiple channels, including mobile apps, websites, email, and browser push notifications.

It offers an intuitive dashboard with advanced targeting options, allowing you to deliver personalized notifications based on user attributes and behaviors. Pushwoosh also provides features like A/B testing, real-time analytics, and automation workflows to optimize your push notification campaigns.

With its cross-platform support and extensive channel integrations, Pushwoosh offers a holistic approach to user engagement. The Pricing starts at $7/month. Their most popular plan costs $49/month and is loved by Merketers. The only drawback is, with that price you can only manage 1000 subscribers.

Most Recommended: LaraPush

If you aks me, I will recommend LaraPush as they have a Lifetime plan and unlimited subscribers feature. Not only that, you also have the option to add as many domains as you want. They are able to do that by letting companies use their own hosting server. And, the best part is, you don’t have to be a tech literate to install it.

This tool perhaps serves all the purposes of marketers and developers. Their pricing is also not high as compared to others in this list. Their prcing works on two models, Startup (Costs $450 for Lifetime Access) and Pro (Costs $750 for Lifetime Access).

Here’s are some of the intersting features of LaraPush and OneSignal:



To Learn more about LaraPush please go here

Final Thoughts on Push Notification Tools

Effective push notifications play a crucial role in driving user engagement and improving conversion rates. The top five push notification tools mentioned above, namely OneSignal, LaraPush, Pusher Beams, Airship, and Pushwoosh, offer a wide range of features and capabilities to help businesses reach their users with relevant and timely notifications.

Consider your specific requirements, user base, and integration capabilities when selecting the most suitable tool for your business. With the right push notification tool in hand, you can significantly enhance your user engagement strategies and drive the success of your digital initiatives.

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