How good is Godaddy Cash Parking?

Godaddy cash parking has been around for years, those who use it have mix reviews. Some of them find it good and some will call it bad. But still, the service has been around for years! There must be something about this Godaddy product which is still going strong!

To answer whether its good or bad, I have started using it to experience it myself. I have added 6 domain names to my Godaddy Cash parking account for now. These domain names are mostly 2-3 years old with good CPC (Cost per click).  I hope these domain names will get me good return on investment!

Tip: If you are looking to register a domain name, consider reading this post first: How to pick the best domain name?

Anyone who is looking to make money online should consider all the legit ways online. And, Godaddy domain parking is one of that legit ways that you should try.

Godaddy cash parking plans

There are two types of plans for cash parking, Basic & Premium. The difference between the two are:

  • Premium plan comes with free domain auction service, this plan costs you around $9.59/month. Premium member get 80% of the ad revenue share
  • Basic plan starts from $3.99/month and offers only 60% of revenue share
  • The only thing common between the two is, you can use unlimited domain names for cash parking with both the plans

I am currently trying the basic plan for one month to see how things go. The result will decide the fate whether I will continue using the cash parking service or not.

How do I choose the domain name for cash parking?

I am still very new to cash parking but due to my knowledge of PPC and SEO, I know how to go about it. Following are some of the points I consider before zeroing in on a domain name for the purpose:

  • The keywords, low volume but high cpc
  • People, events and other stuff which is going to get popular in future
  • Popular domain names that are misspelled
  • Expired domain names with Good amount of back-links and authority
  • Domain names matching the famous personalities, spots, events etc

Apart from the above, there are many more things to look at before I decide which domain name can be purchased and put to use.

Whether Godaddy Cash Parking is good option?

Godaddy cash parking is good if you have a great domain name. Put it to use if you are not ready to create content around it yet. Its better to let your domain names pay for themselves instead of you paying for renewal every year.

The monthly price for cash parking starts from $3.99 for basic plan.  One can surely give it a go for a month or two. If things work, go ahead and upgrade to premium plan to get 80% revenue share and ability to list your domain name for sale through Godaddy auctions.


There are several ways to earn money online with your domain name, the best way is by creating a blog or website. But, if you don’t have time and you own a great domain name, then, you should try parking it on Godaddy to earn passive income.

So, if you have a quality domain name, consider using Godaddy parking, its really a good service to use. If nothing, you will easily be able to cover your domain renewal costs every year!

Hope this article is able to clear some of your doubts about cash parking on Godaddy. I look forward to add more content to this article as and when I start earning.

If you find this article interesting, kindly share it with your friends on Social media.

P.S: Godaddy cash parking takes around 1-2 business days to approve your domain for cash parking! Patience is the key here 🙂

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Pankaj Sharma: IT and Digital Marketing Consultant with more than 15 years of experience. Holding Masters degree in Information Systems and Bachelors in Computer Science. Owner of several websites and blogs! Also have a YouTube channel by the name Fixing Tiny Tedious Things. Feel free to reach out if you have any business talks or something to add to this website :)