AWS fundamentals course on Coursera is the best resource for anyone who wants to learn cloud computing from begining. The course is created by Amazon Web Services, the instructors of the course are:
Note: This course has been retired and a new version of it is now available here.
- Allen Goldberg (Senior Technical Program Manager, AWS Training and Certification)
- Morgan Willis (Senior Technical Trainer, AWS Training and Certification)
- Blaine Sundrud (Senior Technical Trainer, AWS Training and Certification)
More about Coursera’s AWS Fundamentals Course
The course is 100% online, you don’t have to visit a physical classroom or an institution to start learning. The best part is, you can learn on the go with the help of Coursera’s mobile app 🙂
Here is some of the stuff you will learn from this course:
- AWS fundamental concepts including Regions, Availability Zones, and Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs)
- understanding CMDB and knowing how to use AWS compute, storage, database, and security services via the AWS Console
- Making applications durable, distributed, and highly available
The course is covered in 4 weeks, you learn the following each week:
- Week 1: This module covers Introduction, Infrastructure, and Compute in 11 videos, 6 articles and 2 quizzes
- Week 2: You will learn about Networking and Storage on AWS, this module has 8 videos, 4 articles and 2 quizzes
- Week 3: In this module you will learn about Databases on AWS in 5 videos, 2 articles and 1 quiz
- Week 4: This is the last module, you will learn about Monitoring and Scaling in this one over 4 videos, 3 articles and 1 quiz
In totality, you get around 7 hours of video content in 28 videos, 15 readings and 6 quizzes.
Stats of the course so far
As of today, this course has the following stats:
- 180+ ratings
- Rated 4.7 out of 5
- 1000+ subscribers
- One of the top rated cloud computing courses on the internet
These stats are enough to determine how valuable this course has been for the learners! Therefore, if you are someone who wants to go cloud native, AWS Fundamentals course is the best choice for you.
Go ahead and enroll today, as the certificate you will obtain from Coursera after the completion of the course will get you far ahead in your career:)
I have been recommending courses to my readers for a while now, the courses I recommend are of a great value to learners. This particular course also holds a great value, so, please know, AWS Fundamentals Course is your best bet. So, just go ahead and start learning, as Amazon Web Services and Coursera is a great combination, and you just can’t ignore it!